On Friday, 5th July, the Martlesham Heath Aviation Society will hold their monthly meeting. This month, Taff Gillingham will speak on:

Returning to France; The Suffolk Regiment in Normandy, 1944

Taff Gillingham is an expert and enthusiastic speaker on the Great War and World War 2, particularly as it relates to the Suffolk Regiment.

Synopsis of the Talk:

You will recall the 80th Anniversary of the Normandy Landings on 6th June.

Taff tells the story of the men of 1st Battalion Suffolk Regiment, from their extensive training to the landing on D-Day itself and those first few hectic days in France. Veterans Taff knew relayed many of the anecdotes first hand. Taff spoke with friends from 1/Suffolk over the years, at Old Comrades meetings, in their homes and on trips to Normandy and Holland. Their views were often surprising too. It’s a fascinating, and personal, story of ordinary men being asked to do extraordinary things in extraordinary times.

There will be a collection of original 1/Suffolk artefacts on display from the campaign in Northwest Europe to accompany the talk.

When: Friday 5th July, starting at 7:30pm
Where: The Martlesham Heath Community Centre, Felixstowe Road, Martlesham, IP12 4PB
Admission: £3 for Society members; £5 for non-members. Pay at the Door – no need to book – just come in good time!

For more information go to mhas.org.uk.