“Sailmakers Acoustic Stage”
To celebrate a new academic year and welcome students to Ipswich we have chosen to take a different approach to the usual student event and host “Sailmakers Acoustic Stage”
This a FREE platform for up and coming and local musicians which will be located on Sailmakers ground floor mall for two days. There will be a curated and scheduled line up with 30-45mins slots for each performer. Performers can be solo acts or bands. Please note all acts must perform “acoustically” or have soft backing tracks to manage sound levels in the centre.
Sailmakers Acoustic Stage
Activity overview:
- Dates: Friday 29th and Saturday 30th of September
- Timings: 12:00 – 16:00
- 45 mins slots
- 8-10 acts to perform over the two days (4-5 per day)
- Master of ceremonies to host all activity
- Festival style face painting
- Student offers and promotions from participating stores
If you are interested about performing or would like to hear more please call 01473 226386 or contact [email protected]
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