Back on the 6th October, Joyce Boorman from Soroptimist International Ipswich & District came into the ICR studio, to tell us about how they are working with the Purple Teardrop Campaign to collect unwanted gently used or new bras. (Find the whole interview here.)
Joyce has been back in touch to say, “With the help of so many people we have reached our target of collecting more than 1500 bras (actually it is in the region of 1600). So a very big thank you to all of you who have donated bras to help women who have been trafficked into sex slavery and have escaped. Women helping women in this way touched so many people. In addition to the bras we collected at Sailmakers on 7th October we were given some before and after our collection.
People saw our posters, heard us on BBC Radio Suffolk, Ipswich Community Radio and Town Radio, read the article in the Ipswich Star and various free magazines, saw our website or our post on our Facebook page.
Individuals and their relatives and friends (from near and far), church, WI and Trefoil groups, offices, exercise and pilates groups to name but a few generously donated bras ( and other items). In addition, we have been able to give 80+ pairs of knickers to another project in Sierra Leone, and 27 vests/camisoles to the Ipswich Christmas homeless appeal.
What a difference you all have made to women less fortunate than yourselves.
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